Should I be concerned about these temperatures? My ASUS TUF Gaming A16 Advantage Edition with Ryzen 7 7435HS and RX 7600S is only 4 months old. The fans are a bit dusty, but the air vents aren't blocked


Your CPU might be thermal throttling, and it’s almost certain your GPU is too.

Kennedy said:
Your CPU might be thermal throttling, and it’s almost certain your GPU is too.

The CPU seems overheated. The 106W reading might be a combined total from the CPU and GPU due to AMD’s smart shift, but with the GPU using 80W, the CPU hitting 95°C at just 26W is a concern.

A GPU temperature of 92°C is excessively high.

Pip said:
A GPU temperature of 92°C is excessively high.

Yes, those are dangerously high temperatures.

That sounds like you’re running an oven simulator! Seriously though, if you limit your FPS to 60, you’ll see a significant reduction in those temperatures.

Jess said:
That sounds like you’re running an oven simulator! Seriously though, if you limit your FPS to 60, you’ll see a significant reduction in those temperatures.

You should also consider turning off the processor performance boost. It can make a big difference in temperatures.

Definitely do this. I have the Ryzen 7735HS and the temperature drops significantly when I disable the PBO.

Jess said:
Definitely do this. I have the Ryzen 7735HS and the temperature drops significantly when I disable the PBO.

How can I do that?

What are the steps to turn it off?

Zeek said:
What are the steps to turn it off?

Instead of disabling it, download G-Helper and lower the CPU temperature limit to around 80-85°C. Remember, software fixes are not a substitute for addressing hardware issues like poor thermal paste application.

Zeek said:
What are the steps to turn it off?

Go to ‘edit power plan’ in control panel, then to ‘processor performance boost options’ and disable it. Set maximum processor state to 90-95%. If it’s not visible, you might need to enable it via the registry. There are tutorials available online.

Your CPU’s wattage seems unusually high. I recommend limiting your CPU to 30 watts, which should be adequate for the 7435HS. Also, 92 degrees for the GPU is quite high. If you don’t already have a laptop stand to improve airflow, it might be a good time to invest in one.

The CPU and GPU power is combined in the A16 Advantage Edition, so the CPU is actually using about 26 watts.

Freddie said:
The CPU and GPU power is combined in the A16 Advantage Edition, so the CPU is actually using about 26 watts.

That’s quite unusual. Also, you might not be able to set a wattage limit directly in the A16. Consider setting a temperature limit of 85 degrees using G-Helper.

Freddie said:
The CPU and GPU power is combined in the A16 Advantage Edition, so the CPU is actually using about 26 watts.

The AMD Advantage laptops use Smartshift to dynamically shift power between the CPU and GPU, which could explain why you see such high combined wattage. This design helps in optimal power distribution but can confuse traditional monitoring software.

That’s definitely too high. Consider cleaning your fans and applying new thermal paste. If possible, use an external fan for additional cooling.

Step 1: Go to the Asus website and download the Armory Crate Uninstall tool. Step 2: Use it to remove Armory Crate. Step 3: Download and install G-Helper from GitHub. Step 4: Set up a custom profile with your own fan curves and apply them. Make sure to set Windows power mode to ‘Best Power Efficiency’ and adjust CPU boost and power limits as needed. G-Helper can also help you manage GPU power to further reduce temperatures.

Which software are you using to monitor these temperatures?

Rex said:
Which software are you using to monitor these temperatures?

I’m using MSI Afterburner to monitor the temperatures.